Saturday 5 January 2013


i had a really good talk with the dad while i was home. about religion and philosophy and morality and what being 'christian' actually means and what being with or without the church means and so on. it was really nice to have a frank and adult conversation where i didn't feel like i had to apologize for my lack of church-go-to-it-ness. i'm lucky that my parentals are not afraid of this kind of discussion. fact is i believe the same thing now as i did before i added the 'lapsed' to my catholic. that the point of it all, really, is to try to be loving and good and kind and moral. there's a lot of grey space in that language that maybe we can talk about one day. but for today. i'd like to point out what i believe to be really really not christian at all. god-believing-in or not. you'll never guess. what it is. oh, what? you did. yeah! hate and discrimination! check it.
* house republicans block re-authorization of Violence Against Women Act (vawa)

because vawa doesn't just help white christian women in trouble... it helps other women too. like. native women. and immigrants. and probably even atheists too. as the above-piece says:

"Rep. Eric Cantor and his ilk are literally blocking the re-authorization because the updated bill expands access to help to certain types of people Republicans don’t want to help. Ya know, just like Jesus."

and i like to think if there is some sort of godthing up there or wherever, he/she/it is pissssssed as hell to be constantly tied up with these hateful people. that's gotta be beyond annoying, no?


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