Friday 9 March 2012


have thoughts on the disgusting, ignorant, rage-making sack of skin that is rush limbaugh and all the ugly anger and hatred he represents? i do. but i make an effort not to use much profanity on this blorg, so i guess we'll have to talk about something else today.

(but you can always email him your opinions here:, or if you're feeling particularly bold and articulate, call his show here: 1-800-282-2882. not that it's likely to get through, you know, the years of built up idiocy that is his skull. but. whatever.)

anyways!!! welcome to a particularly rage-y feminist friday! oh man are there some asshats out there i'd like to punch square in the shin... 

but then again.

*care packages might be the answer.

(from a new blog i've just discovered... the crunk feminist collective.)

and finally, because we have been rolling around in so much fashion here on this blorg, so many tiny bodies... i wanted to take a moment to remind myself and you that life is about a lot more than looking 'good' in pictures. (i just listened to a girl from my office floor throw up her breakfast in the stall next to me in what was clearly a way she was used to doing. and it was so hard not to cry. and i wish i had the courage to say something...)

my grandmothers were stunning women with legs that were not sticks, with stomachs that were not rock-hard. one like me, and one like my sister...
my mother has laugh lines for days.
my sister has legs that can take her from the top of scotland to the bottom of england.
i have hands that can open any jar.
we are real people and we are lucky and we are strong and we have full lives. so i will never be able to wear a body-con dress without my little tummy showing. so what.

remember that. please.


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