Thursday 7 June 2012


this week, do the reading first!

* rape-culture in videogames

there are some really great bits in there, no?

i have two things i want to talk about, coming out of that reading. one:

i am glad this is in there. because. yes. this is how i feel. (not about gaming, specifically. of course. i'm not in the gaming world. but about this feminist thing.) i realize that everything i'm saying is being said elsewhere and probably a lot better. but i am constantly constantly horrified how many people are managing to not only not hear it, but also to act out so aggressively against it. and then i am raging on facebook and twitter at people who really don't see how making fun of slutwalk by making a video about how slutty slutwalk is is not helpful! ugh! (i hate to link to the video, but i'm hoping that anyone who goes and looks at it through my link will comment on its problematic (GROSS) nature.)

so that is why i write this every week. not because i think all y'all are horrible humans who need me to shake my finger at you. but because one more voice shouting into the din is better than nothing. if everyone i know who feels the way i feel was able to get their voices out and heard (and stop wrapping themselves up in the fear of language - aka 'feminism AHHHHH!!!')... well. maybe maybe maybe we could make some changes occur.

so there's that. and then! and then there is number two:

this reminds me of a more brutal version of what happened when siri didn't know how to deal with any female-centric requests. what happens when a bunch of men are in a room together without enough diversity to see the issues. (also when a bunch of men are in a room together trying to figure out what 'MEN' like... gross. guys. i know so many lovely wonderful cool smart manly men who don't want to beat up women for funsies. what a tragically limited perspective of what manhood is. poor manfolks. anyways.)

and what i actually wanna say about this is: i am super excited that my lovely wonderful cool smart manly brother-in-law-elect is making his way into the programming/gaming world. i am not a tech-savvy type, so i'm probably completely mixing media and worlds, but charlie is well into creating an ap-game which i will talk more about in another post. and charlie is just the kind of man i want going into the programmey programmer world. because i can't see him sitting down to watch a trailer where violence towards women is majorly sexualized and glorified, and not raising his hand and saying 'WHAT?!'. and we need more people like that. in every industry, sure. but particularly in ones where a) there is a certain type of misogynist man idea and b) there aren't that many women. tada! good work charlie!


okay, have a good weekend!


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