Tuesday 5 June 2012

to a town

june 1st was my two year anniversary with toronto.

and first there was a flood in my office building, shutting down the ttc and forcing me to take a long, unplanned walk in the rain wearing good heels. and then the next day there was a public shooting in my mall.

and i thought 'what gives, toronto? i thought we were happy together!'

but. then yesterday they (they) caught the culprit in the eaton centre shooting, or rather he turned himself in. (and they ALSO caught the crazy foot-mailer man...)
and i went to a grad exhibit for tala (aka kindergarten-friend) and saw her amazing fashion work up close. 
and i went to ballet class and was taught by an old alberta-friend, kate. (different from local, sarnia-kate. ugh. FRIENDS! have different names already!) and her partner turns out to be someone i met once back in calgary, too. and that was great.
and i ran into bryce on the streetcar and we got to catch up quickly.
and i got home to my lovely apartment with sarah and margene to talk to and cuddle (respectively).
all these pieces of home. here.

{on my walk to loblaws : watching baseball in christie pits}

{slutwalk : the path}

and mel moved in to her new house this week.
and stylist-sarah got a new puppy.

and then there were the usual things... the staples delivery-man who is so friendly. the fellow from the office across the hall who i get to chat with sometimes in the elevator. texts and calls from my friends. the subway-man who grins at me, and everyone else, every morning. the security guard at work who lends umbrellas and wears colourful ties. the path. the stylish people. the superintendent at home who is a ninja.

and i think 'yes. this is a very fine life i have. and this is a very fine place i live in.'

i don't know if i ever really believed that toronto could be the place. i don't think i really wanted it to be the place. because it is 'toronto' and blah blah. it isn't perfect. and there are for sure the bad bits of living in a 'big city'.

but i love it. i do. so much. i am so happy here. even when i'm not. this is a good place.

{friday night live dance party at the ROM}

happy two year anniversary, my city. thank you for welcoming me in. 


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