Friday 13 July 2012


heeeey guys! the internet exploded this week!

back story. if you've been living in a hole. (or are not on twitter all the time, which is like, totes the same thing, am i right?!)

daniel tosh was making rape jokes, a female audience member shouted that 'rape jokes are never funny' and then daniel tosh said what would be funny is if that female audience member got raped by other members of the audience, like 5 of them, right?! tada!

there are 18 zillion articles - good and bad - about this. and even more tweets forever unto infinite. but i picked just this one article for you to read on the topic!

* how to make a rape joke

i chose it for many reasons, but truly the main reason is that it made me laugh a lot. like. this whole passage:

{lindy west from jezebel}

bahaha! that's great! thrashers... good one! and it is good to have a good laugh here and now because this whole fight just reminds me that rape apologists are everywhere, and they're my friends who don't know that that is what they're doing, and it breaks my heart all the time forever because I KNOW TOO MANY PEOPLE, GUYS! I KNOW TOO MANY GIRLS WHO HAVE BEEN RAPED! and it is a raw and hard subject for me. so. i'm glad that this piece was written with humour and with intelligence and so on and so forth.

read it if you love me. i mean it. more than ever. please. pleasepleaseplease. (and there are some great links in there. too. click 'em!)

OH! and. p.s. remember when we had good-news-feminist-friday? well. nevermind.
*saudi arabia takes it back. no olympics for ladies


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