Friday 20 July 2012


 oooooooooo! celebrity drams or whatever!

time to jump on the bandwagon and start a discussion of aaron sorkin's newest vehicle, 'the newsroom'. hoooray and hooorah! i love tv!

i'll say it once more. i love tv. really and truly. and i'm really enjoying 'the newsroom'. i look forward to sunday nights. but that doesn't mean it is a gooood show - i love a lot of bad tv. backstory:

i've never seen 'west wing'. but i have every intention of watching the whole thing basically in one sitting one day. (mono? can i have you again?) everyone smart and funny and great iknow loves west wing. so. i bet it is pretty amazeballs.

i loooooved 'sports night'. which wasn't around nearly long enough if you ask me. heartbreak.

and i was suuuper excited for 'the newsroom'. until this happened...

* aaron sorkin is rude to one of my favourites and internet girls everywhere furrow their brows

so i thought 'shoot. that doesn't seem very cool beans. sorkin seems to be a bit of an asshat... poop.' but, you know. separate the art from the artist *to a point* and go on living.

and after the pilot episode, sarah-roommate and i had a great chat about how haha, the women were actually pretty freaking great and the super-powerful-white-men-with-their-ideals were pretty reliant on the women who were competent and smart and got shit done. blah blah. not bad. okay!

but. as the show has gone on a few more episodes, the female characters are getting weaker... flakier. manipulate-able. really good at one thing or another, but then pretty crappy at, you know, being well-rounded living things. and ooooh how sad i was when jim 'rescued' maggie from her panic attack. damn it! damn! ugh. i was so hopeful for their relationship and then he went and tooook caaare of her.

anyway. what it comes down to is that i like the show. but also, maybe, aaron sorkin's not-so-developped idea of women is showing. and that's a real shame. or...

* the newsroom is incredibly hostile towards women


but here's a fun thing! i sure do love a meme.

* hey internet girl...

(also. one more thing. quickly. i'm glad that this trend of scrutinizing shows has emerged. you know. like it did with 'girls' and 'bunheads', both of which i love. too. and obviously this sort of conversation could be happening around a TON of shows, and maybe maybe maybe it will start to spread, and, omg, things will improve!!!??? it could happen. so. i'm glad.)


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