Friday 7 September 2012


you're in for a real treat this week! surprise! i'm in a real real good mood today. chipper cheerful. SO! that means a good-news positive-attitude feminist friday! you're all welcome.

this week is about saying 'hooooray! thanks!' to the men and boys who are NOT small minded, misogynistic, hateful, repressive. or:

*men who trust women

the above link is to a great little tumblr that chloe over at feministing started. it is men talking about why they believe that women's right to control their own bodies is a thing. and it is awesome. (also they're working on a documentary and you can give them money if you want...) it is easy - when you are all enraged by the things that are happening - to not give credit to the men and boys who are NOT awful.

as strongly as i feel about all this stuff, and as opinionated as i am, i hate to think that the gooood men in my life might think they are bad or that i think that they are bad. i am very blessed to have a lot of fantastically thoughtful, kind, progressive, considerate, articulate, passionate people around me who allow me to speak bravely and develop my ideas about the world. a lot of those people are men. and i think they're aces. and i'm grateful to them for using their voices. and for being a part of the movement. i'm glad that we can learn from and with each other. like i said. hoooray! thanks! good work.

so that's it for today! run free and pet a puppy or something. i have a million fashion shows to look at!!!


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