Wednesday 12 September 2012

head shake

sometimes you love a thing even though you know it is wrong. like the late 20-early-30-something guy you loved when you were 20 who couldn't handle committing to you for more than 3 days in a row before he had a meltdown and had to be alone for a week or so, and then repeat and then repeat, and all the while you're saying to yourself you would totally move across the country with him, if he just asked you, and you're planning your wedding playlist with the saddest, wrong-est songs by hawksley workman.

'you can't be crying now, i feel so happy that we're here together...' a perfect first dance.

yes. sometimes you love a thing that you know full well you will look back on with a little regret and embarrassment and a lot of laughter at 'WHAT THE HELL, ERIN!' because even though you pretend to be completely lost in the love, you can see that it is absurd and hilarious and juuust destructive enough.

like sometimes when you love a pair of baggy leather pants.  lord forgive me. i do love them. i loved them, too, in balenciaga's pre-fall collection. but i wasn't ready to admit it really outright like this.

and then there is the white dress. with the offwhite trench. and the bluegreywhite hair. that is like the greatest sick feeling in your stomach. so simply powerful to the point of being terror-fying. and of course a see-through peplum. too. oh, yes. this show has given me some words.

{theyskens' theory spring 2013, photos by filippo fior at by way of}


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